This can be done through in-text parenthetic notes, footnotes, or endnotesThe Bluebook was accepted as well as critiqued but now it has come a long way with the Nineteenth (19 th) EditionBenevolent quotes from YourDictionary:

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Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine volunteer motivation, commitment, and intentions to remain as volunteers at the 05 BMO Canadian Women's Golf ChampionshipLa citation la plus longue sur « bénévolat » est :A bibliographic citation is a reference to a book, article, web page, or other published item.Citations should supply detail to identify the item uniquely

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C'est pourquoi le bénévolat n'a rien d'un sacrifice au service de la société car cette générosité que l'on manifeste dans l'action bénévole est diluée par le mérite qu'on en retireAs citation and reference are two important terms used in research methodology, the difference between these two terms have to be understood clearlyCitations within your text link specific passages to the sources you consulted or quoted

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